EDI & Culture Workshops (2022- )
Safeguarding Training (2022- )
Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshops (2022-2024)
Why on Earth- Climate Change Online Festival (2020)
環步同舞 Global Connection
“In this original dance film, alumni members of the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation from across the globe take to the outdoors to reconnect and celebrate Mother Earth. Featuring the music track Beka Yalo created by Sigur Rós frontman Jónsi and Swedish composer Carl Michael von Hausswolff, dancers performed to the sounds of humpback whales, shrimp, bats and herons sampled around the seas of Fiji. The film draws attention to the ongoing environmental collapse, questioning whether we are robbing future generations of a livable world.”
“在這部原創舞蹈影片中,身處世界各地的香港青年藝術協會(HKYAF)會友走出繁喧都市,嘗試重新與大自然聯繫,感受世外。作品中的音樂《Beka Yalo》由冰島搖滾組合Sigur Rós主音Jónsi、瑞典作曲家Carl Michael von Hausswolff合作創作。舞者跟着在斐濟的海洋收錄的座頭鯨、蝦、蝙蝠和蒼鷺的聲音起舞,質疑我們是否正奪去下一代適合生活生存的世界的未來?””
Concept Artist: Kirsten Ho 藝術概念 : 賀倩瑩
School of Dance (2012-2017)

Managing a school of dance over 5 years for appox 200 students from ages 4-14 teaching Hip Hop and Modern Dance primarily as well as Creative Dance, Contemporary Dance, Chinese Dance, Jazz, and Musical Theatre. Students performed twice annually to enhance their learning, having fun performing on stage.
Ignite - Artist Community Project Workshops (2016)

創作概念 Artist Statement
“Our goal was to empower people to tell their stories, even those that may be difficult for others to listen to, and to learn to find the beauty in challenges both as survivors and as artists. Our workshops with Pathfinders were designed to help migrant mothers and their children to learn different ways of expressing themselves through creative writing, dance and choreography. We explored unanswered questions from their past, devised personal statements to themselves and others about their present situation, and encouraged them to set a goal for the future. Our objectives were to help them find ways of coping with challenges through creative expression, and to boost their self respect, self awareness and self confidence through the arts. The programme culminated in a fun photo shoot, and the mothers and children received a printed photograph as a reminder of their experience. Another goal of the project was to expand young artists’ field of inspiration. We invited young Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation dancers and writers to take part in sessions with the women and make connections by exploring memory, writing, and choreography. Participating youth artists learned about the historical and political background of Pathfinders’ clientele, and crafted a narrative they felt was important to share with a wider Hong Kong audience. The results of the writing and choreography are shown in the dance film “Hear My Story”.”
「聽.故事」的目的是給予參加者勇氣去分享自己的故事,縱然歷盡苦難,亦不要忘記從挑戰和困難中找到美好之處。 計劃工作坊特別為Pathfinders的外籍母親及孩子而設,希望他們運用寫作、舞蹈和編舞表達自己。期間我們探索了過去無法回答的問題,肯定了現在自己的價值,又鼓勵自己為未來的目標奮鬥。我們希望能夠鼓勵參加者透過藝術,以創意的方法面對挑戰,築起自信、自尊及自我意識。工作坊最後為參與的母親和孩子拍攝一輯親切的合照,作為小禮物送給他們。 計劃的另一個目的是開拓年輕藝術家的靈感來源。我們邀請了香港青年藝術協會的舞者和作家參與部分工作坊環節,從探究回憶、寫作和舞蹈中,與Pathfinders的母親建立緊密的聯繫。年輕參加者認識了機構的歷史和背景後,合力創造了一段口述故事,並且為故事編舞,製作成「聽.故事」的舞蹈影片,加深香港社會大眾對社群的認同。
Project Artists 項目藝術家
Kirsten Ho 賀倩瑩(Dance 舞蹈)
Alexandra Jacobs(Writing 文本)
Youth Assistant Choreographers Program (2016)
Leading the HKYAF Youth Assistant Choreographers Program 2016-2017- providing mentoring and practical, behind-the-scenes insight into the world of dance as well as developing choreographic skills and dance techniques.
Dancers also had the opportunity to find and showcase their own creative voice, learning how to lead peers in the creation of new dance performances for some of HKYAF’s most iconic events. They also worked alongside a variety of professionals who shared their experiences and guidance.
One piece from this programme titled, Flora and Fauna, was inspired by Dr Jane Goodall and performed at Standard Chartered Arts in the Park where Dr Goodall came to support the performance.
Dance Photography Workshop (2016)

Ocean Art Walk (2015-2016)

“Ocean Art Walk 2015 at Stanley Plaza, professional artists and a group of young people took Emmy-award winning documentary “Chasing Ice” as inspiration. Together, they created stunning art that encouraged everyone to take a close-up look at the land and water we all depend on for survival, and asked us to question how climate change is impacting life on Earth and what could happen if we don’t act now.
「海洋藝術展2015在赤柱廣場」的一眾藝術家及參與青少年以艾美獎獲獎紀錄片《逐冰之旅》為創作靈感。 他們以出眾的藝術品鼓勵大家一同近距離觀看我們賴以為生的陸地和海洋,探索人類的行為如何導致氣候變化及影響地球生態,正視採取行動的急切性。”
School Production Choreography (2013-2016)
Arts in the Park (2012-2016)

Choreography for Hong Kong’s largest outdoor youth arts festival, Standard Chartered Arts in the Park – 5 new dance pieces over 5 years.
School Workshops (2012-2016)
Leading workshops for students and teachers in 9 primary schools across Hong Kong including setting up annual dance programmes and workshops focusing on physical expression and creative release. Responsible for the programming and facilitating of dance and assembly performances according to the curriculum and Unit of Inquiry.
Lecture & Demonstration (2013-2015)
This outreach programme was developed in alignment with Dance Kho productions. Themes of the work was brought into primary schools through workshops and lecture-demonstrations.
School Artist in Residence / Curriculum Consultant (2013-2014)
Resident dance artist for a primary school, developing a dance curriculum that was designed and catered around the existing PE program for Primary School students. This also included fun flash mobs during assembly!
Teacher Training & Dancer Development Workshops (2012-2014)
Teacher Training 2012
As part of a teacher workshop series in which teachers learn about aspects of the themes and skills involved in theatre production- Leading a workshop introducing the use of contemporary dance and creative movement in theatre production. Participants were encouraged to physically express emotions, motifs and themes and produce their own choreography.
Choreography Workshop 2014
For participants aged 7- 12, providing an introduction to contemporary dance and choreography through fun and imaginative exercises exploring body language and ways to move through space. Participants encouraged to experiment, discover and create new dance moves, which they ultimately pieced together to create their own unique short choreography.
The Art of Celebration, The Peninsula (2013)

“The Art of Celebration seeks to bring art performances to the heart of the hotel – in The Peninsula’s iconic Lobby.”
Choreography: Kirsten Ho
TED Talks x CUHK (2012)

HKAPA Gifted Young Dancer Program (2012)
Teaching Contemporary Dance Technique and Repertoire for the Gifted Young Dancer Programme and the accredited Contemporary Dance Graduate Programme at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts.
Creative Learning & Engagement
Throughout her career, Kirsten has led training, creative learning and engagement opportunities for children, young people, creatives, facilitators and teachers. Kirsten is a certified safeguarding training instructor and currently offers training in Level 1-3 Safeguarding as well as bespoke Safeguarding briefings.
For the National Youth Theatre, Kirsten has led culture workshops with a focus on Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for participants across the country and online. She has also facilitated training for their Creative Leaders programme which included facilitation, inclusive practice and arts leadership working with those currently underrepresented in the arts.
For English National Ballet, Kirsten has worked with students studying dance at school, delivering dance workshops and intensives to enhance knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Company practice, and learn about creative processes.
Kirsten started teaching in 2005 leading company classes. While studying at Ailey she assisted Ballet classes with Brenda Neville for the Junior Division and in 2008 began to teach children’s Ballet and Modern Dance classes at Chen Dance Center. For three years Kirsten led and taught company workshops for HT Chen and Dancers for both professional dancers and students. Workshops were held across the 5 boroughs of NYC including LaGuardia High School, M.S. 131 and P.S. 372. And across the US including Hillsborough Community College (FL) and Alys Stephens Center (AL). In Hong Kong, Kirsten worked on a variety of dance projects across many educational settings over 5 years.
Kirsten is also a certified Pilates Mat teacher and has taught at Broadway Dance Center, The Loft Dance and Fitness, The Yoga Room (HK) and for many private residencies.
“Her natural warmth, intelligence, and ability to communicate with people from all walks of life, both young and old, make her an accessible and versatile teaching artist… Her students not only adored her, but flourished under her supervision.”
– Dian Dong- Associate Director/ Chen Dance Center (2011)
“She has a wonderful rapport with students, parents and faculty alike. She is consistently well prepared, punctual and professional in every way. Kirsten is exceptionally encouraging and attentive to the needs of the students… As a trained dancer herself, she is extremely knowledgeable in proper classical ballet technique enabling her to provide expert corrections to students, as well as demonstrate excercises and combinations with ease and accuracy”
– Brenda R. Neville- Junior Division/ The Ailey School (2008)